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Our articles are ranking on 2500+ keywords in Google SERP.
Our tool uses a mix of OpenAI’s GPT 3, 3.5, and 4 models to generate high-quality, comprehensive, and readable articles for your blog. Simply set up your blog, choose the topics you want to write about, and let our AI tool do the rest.
Yes, our tool generates SEO-optimized articles complete with featured images, bullet points, and headlines, designed to help your blog rank higher on search engines.
The AI tool generates articles from scratch in minutes, ensuring they pass plagiarism tests. While some commonly used phrases or facts may be in the articles, they are generally considered unique.
Yes, you need to have an OpenAI API key to use our autoblogging tool. This key allows our tool to access OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 or 4 models and has some credit to generate high-quality articles for your blog.
Yes, you will need to install a plugin after creating your project. Simply install the plugin in your WordPress site and connect it to your project. Once you have completed these steps, you are all set to use our tool with WordPress.
When fetching new AI-generated content from your connected project in Autoblogging.pro, our tool automatically determines which SEO plugin you are using and fills in the appropriate input field. We currently support five major SEO plugins, including SEO Press, All in SEO, Yoast SEO, and Rank Math SEO framework. However, we recommend using Yoast SEO and All in one SEO for optimal performance.
If you cancel your subscription, your account will be automatically downgraded to the free plan. You can continue to use the free plan or upgrade again at any time. Any credits redeemed during the subscription period will still be available to you until the end of the current subscription period.
At Autoblogging.pro, we offer a free plan for users to test our service before upgrading to a paid plan. There is no paid trial, and all sales are final and non-refundable. If you decide to cancel your subscription to our service, we will not issue any refunds.
If you encounter an issue with a credit used for an incorrect article, please contact our support team immediately with the details of the problem. We will review your request and take steps to resolve the issue.
We’re just a click away to help with your questions & requirements.
✉︎ hi@autoblogging.pro